Main outputs

In order to contribute to making VET more digital and attractive, Di-struct! Project will create new tools for introducing more active learning activities in VET through the use of ICT.

The main outputs will be:

A state of the art analysis

concerning digitalisation in the four partner countries (France, Italy, Portugal and Hungary) through a questionnaire shared with VET teachers. It aims at detecting the use in school and at teachers’ personal level of digital tools and technology in teaching/learning, also in the connection to active learning.
Link to the analysis.

An E-Learning course

on the digitalisation of VET containing training modules on 8 areas:
1) Content creation;
2) Online Learning Platforms;
3) Gamification;
4) VET-oriented Digital Educational resources;
5) Interactive exercises;
6) Online Boards,
7) Interactive approach;
8) Online Collaboration.

Creation of new digital content

in the subjects taught by the VET teacher to put the concepts learned in e-learning into practice. These new teaching activities will be tested in the classroom with students.

A set of subject-based guidelines on digitalisation

aimed at increasing their knowledge of digital tools available; it will be the ultimate result of the training activities carried out in the content creation and testing phase. For each targeted subject, the guidelines will consist of:

  • list of most suited digital tools from the ones presented in the E-Learning;
  • examples of how the digital tools can be used to create digital content;
  • concrete examples of application drawn from the testing phase;
  • step to step instructions on how to start digitalising the subject.

This project result, combined with the E-learning will provide European teachers with all the necessary information on how to start creating digital content to make their subjects more attractive to the students.


Restructuring Subjects by Digitalising VET