The eight training modules developed by the project Di-Struct and integrated into an online E-learning course by UNISER, where thoroughly examined and commented on by a group of teachers during the training seminar held from November 14th to 16th 2023, in Opificio Golinelli in Bologna (Italy).

Participants from IIS Lazzaro Spallanzani – Castelfranco Emilia (Modena), IPSAR “L. Veronelli” – Casalecchio di Reno (Bologna), INETE – Instituto de Educação Técnica (Portogal), MDOE (Hungary), CMA (France), Liceo Dante (Ravenna), ITET Aldo Capitini (Perugia) and ITES Roberto Valturio (Rimini).

The seminar had a double objective: testing the online modules and training on tools and approaches to promote the digitalization of vocational education teaching. During the 3 days workshop, participants were provided with tools to design educational activities for students in relevant subjects, both VET and non VET.

On the first day, attendees got to know each other and visited Opificio Golinelli. This was followed by an interactive session delving into the contents of the modules. The second day focused on further exploring the contents of the modules and generating ideas for educational activities, with a new approach and new digital tools in mind.

The seminar concluded with workshops focused on designing digital lessons for students, aiming to define a common process and structure for lesson planning.

The event provided a valuable opportunity for the exchange of ideas and the exploration of best practices in digital vocational education, contributing to the promotion of innovation in the sector.