Di-struct! is a cooperation project for innovation and exchange of good practices financed under Key Action 2 of Erasmus+ programme. Thanks to this project, 5 partners from all over the EU are working with the common goal of making educational content more attractive by restructuring the teaching approaches with the use of digital tools.

Project objectives

1. Improving the digital skills of teachers in active learning methodologies based on the use of ICTs by equipping them with the know-how to operate in a digital environment.

2. Creating more digital, interactive and attractive content for students in order to make schools more digital and dynamic, increasing the engagement of students thanks to new approaches.

The common work towards the realisation of these goals will result in 4 project outputs:

  • A state of the art analysis, concerning digitalisation in the four partner countries;

  • An e-learning course on the digitalisation of VET, with 8 thematic areas

  • Creation of new digital content in the subjects taught by the VET teachers

  • A set of guidelines on digitalisation aimed at increasing the knowledge of digital tools available

Project partners

Di-struct! project is being realised and implemented by a network of experienced partners.


Restructuring Subjects by Digitalising VET